Sam Service Provider Sdn Bhd is a cleaning services provider for offices, homes and apartments.

Our office is at No. 24-2, Lintang Batu Maung 211960 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia. (Phone/Fax: 04  641 1386 / 626 4735)

Our extensive list of services include:

  • Floor polishing (granite, concrete, marble, timber flooring)
  • Restoring parquet flooring
  • Cleaning offices, homes & office blocks (floors, washrooms, furniture, walls, windows)
  • Gardening & landscape maintenance services
  • Property & condominium management services
  • Consultation & training for business owners intending to enter the cleaning and polishing industry
  • Supplying affordable, good quality diamond pads for floor polishing
Sams Cleaning Office Bayan Lepas
Our office is located at Lintang Batu Maung, Bayan Lepas, Penang (see pic above).
Come visit us for a discussion for your cleaning, landscape maintenance needs.
Ride-on auto scrubber for faster cleaning of commercial properties
Ride-on auto sweeper to clean larger spaces in shorter time

Our managers have industry standard qualifications while our team regularly attends training to keep up-to-date with the latest cleaning and polishing technology so that we can serve our customers better.

We’ve attended training organised by STI Concrete Polishing
Learning how to use the latest floor polishing machinery at STI Concrete Polishing
Hands-on learning about flooring at Eli Crete USA Decorative

In addition to offsite training by industry suppliers, we too have our own internal training and courses for our area managers and site supervisors.

Our staff are supported at all times by their line managers and are never asked to complete tasks for which they have not been trained. We encourage our team to share knowledge and experience for both their cleaning teams as well as our customers.

Quality assurance is key to our long-term success. We have regular visits to our customers’ premises to monitor standards of cleanliness and customer satisfaction levels. We are always open to feedback and ensure all problems are solved quickly so that customers are happy and satisfied.

Contact us today for a no-obligation discussion!